[2024 이:음 예술창작 아카데미 공통과정] 2-2강. 접근성의 경향과 혁신 '케네디 아트센터'
good morning my name is bety Seagle and
I'm the director of the Kenny Center
office of accessibility and VSA this is
one of my favorite topics accessibility
Trends and Innovations and I'm really
excited to be joining you to exchange
ideas best practices Inspirations and
Innovations in Access let me tell you
what I'm going to to do today first I'm
going to give you a quick introduction
to the Kenny Center and the office of
accessibility in VSA second I'm going to
discuss Trends and innovations that have
an impact on
accessibility I also want to let you
know that all the images you see on the
screen today are of people with
disabilities participants and alumni and
access VSA programs all except for one
see if you can find it third and Fin
finally I'm going to tell you a story
because I think you will like the story
to start with let me introduce you to
the Kenny Center for the Performing Arts
located in Washington DC it is a living
Memorial to President Kennedy and a
vibrant cultural Hub presenting
thousands of performances and worldclass
annually at the Kennedy Center we
believe the Arts celebrate our
differences our disabilities our
creativity and Innovation we believe the
Arts reveal our shared humanity and most
importantly we believe that the Arts are
everyone now this belief extends to the
office of accessibility in VSA our
mission is to create opportunities for
people with disabilities of all ages to
learn through participate in and engage
with the arts and culture our vision is
really simple every art form every age
everywhere for
everyone in the office of accessibility
we also strive to ensure that
performances programs events and
facilities are fully accessible to
people with disabilities of all all ages
and we do this by removing barriers to
participation whether those barriers are
programmatic or physical and identifying
solutions to the challenges we face
every day we continuously seek to
improve and enrich our accessibility
services in response to the changing and
evolving needs and expectations of our
I hope that you will consider joining
the access VSA International Network a
large community of over a thousand
people globally and perhaps consider
joining us for the lead annual
conference coming up in August of
2025 and if you'd like more information
about the office of accessibility please
feel free to go to our website I've
posted the link here on the
slide let's move
forward on to the heart of the
so what are some of the global Trends
and Innovations in
accessibility there are a number of
significant social trends that are
shifting outdated attitudes and
perspectives around disability globally
there is definitely a move away from
approaches where disability is um
treated like a charity where access is
paternalistic and reluctantly granted
and instead we're moving globally to
access as a social and civil and human
right we are moving away as a society
from a medical or impairment approach to
disability which assumes that a person
with a disability is a deviation from
the norm and that the disability resides
in the person and that makes them the
problem in this model something is wrong
with the individual and we seek to
change the individual to accommodate
Society instead what we're seeing as a
trend we're moving towards a social or
rights-based approach which acknowledges
that difference or diversity is the norm
and that it is not the person with the
disability that is the problem but that
it is society that needs to be fixed in
other words there is something wrong
Society all of this and we seek to
change society to accommodate the
individual this is a dramatic shift and
every country and every culture is at a
different point in making this
transition now another social Trend that
we need to consider is how we as
individuals a community or a society can
more or less disable someone based on
their interactions with the physical
communication information and social
environments more or less disable
H what exactly does that
mean I'll use the physical environment
as an example my friend Beth who uses a
power wheelchair and I love to go to the
Kenny center to see plays we always stop
at the coffee shop across the street and
when we cross the street to go to the
Kenny Center the first thing that we see
is the grand
stairway Architects love Grand stairways
so my friend Beth looks at me and I look
at her and we both look at the stairway
and I turn to her and wave bye-bye and
then I run up those steps and I'm in the
theater and in my seat where is Beth
she's sitting at the bottom of the
stairs in that scenario which one of us
more or less
disabled Beth is more disabled I had no
problem with the stairs I just ran in
and got my seat Beth is stuck at the
bottom of the stairs because using a
power wheelchair she can't go up those
steps she is more disabled by that
physical environment let's try the
scenario again so my friend Beth and I
love to go to see plays we stop across
the street at the coffee shop and get a
cup of coffee and then we cross the
street to go to the Kenny Center and the
first thing that we see is the grand
stairway I look at Beth she looks at me
and this time my friend Beth looks a
little bit to her left and she sees that
there's a sidewalk that bypasses those
stairs and takes her directly into the
theater so I look at her she looks at me
we both look at the stairs and she waves
bye-bye and she takes that wheelchair
and goes up the sidewalk and is in the
theater and in her seat before I am even
halfway up the
steps now in that scenario which one of
us is more or less
disabled this time it's me that's more
disabled I have to go up the steps and
it takes me longer and I struggle
sometimes to get up and down steps where
is my friend Beth using the sidewalk
goes straight into the envir into the
theater the physical environment
disabled her less when there were stairs
and a
sidewalk that's how we can fix physical
environments that's what it means to
more or less disable someone we can also
fix the communication environment by
providing captioning or sign language
interpreters assist of listening devices
when we provide these kinds of
accommodations and access Services we
disable the members of our audiences who
are deaf or have hearing loss we disable
less we can fix the information
environment by ensuring that our
websites are
designed and coded to be accessible to
things like screen readers so that we
disable our blind and low vision
Community less and we can also Al
address the social and policy
environments our laws and regulations
are frequently our social policies
embodied in those laws and regulations
and those can provide protections and
disable people less or in my venue my
theater I can have internal policies for
example to set aside a percentage of
seats as wheelchair accessible to always
make captions uh available on videos and
other media that we produce doing that
will disable my audience less these
internal policies also like laws can
protections we make someone more or
less disabled simply based on moving a
trash can out of the way out of the path
of travel we can make someone more or
less disabled by remembering ing to face
them when we speak to
them more or less disabling someone
requires each of us individually and
collectively to take action and
responsibility a really major social
Trend seen today is the passage by many
countries of disability rights laws and
regulations protecting the rights civil
human and cultural rights and
prohibiting discrimination on the basis
of disability some of these laws have
been around for quite a long time as the
Americans with Disabilities Act passed
in 1990 and we can see the results of
those prohibitions against
discrimination happening right now I
encourage you to think about these
significant social trends from changing
perspectives fixing environment to
disable people less and the impact of
social policy as expressed by disability
and human rights laws as well as your
own organization's internal policies to
prohibit discrimination as you approach
your accessibility
work let's move on to some other Trends
I just want to introduce a few
Innovations and Trends in and emerging
accessibility practices that I'm
starting to see Pop Up in cultural
spaces theaters and museums around the
world in theaters and museums we are
seeing them use and leverage Universal
and human- centered Design Concepts to
build experiences in spaces that are
inherently more inclusive why because
they are designed and expected to
embrace difference diff diversity and
the VAR needs of our audiences artists
staff I wish I had more time to talk
about this particular topic because I
could spend hours on
it however another Trend that I'm
starting to see that is also important
is cultural arts workers administrators
and managers and Senior leadership
starting to build accessibility into
everyday experience business practices
which focus on access I and inclusive
experiences where the content
information and interactive social
aspects are fully and equally
experienced by individuals whether they
have apparent or nonapparent
Mobility sensory communication and
disabilities you know today there are
approximately 1.2 million people with
disabilities around the world think
about it
one out of 20 people have a disability
nearly one quarter of the population and
this number gets even larger when we
look at our aging populations as the
demographic shift and the percentage of
individuals with disabilities increases
we need to embrace plan for and expect
differences and disabilities as a normal
part of the human condition oh another
really exciting and really topical Trend
right now is technology technology is
having a tremendous impact on the
opportunities for inclusion from AI to
apps to robots technology often moves us
closer to inclusive practices technology
can provide new ways of conveying
information in a multitude of different
modalities and with diversity of ability
and mind technology
when it is seamlessly integrated can
enhance accessibility and
participation just be sure to use wiag
wcag standards to make sure your web
digital and virtual experiences are
perceivable understandable and robustly
accessible one caveat here be careful
technology if not designed and used
properly can
exclude more people than it includes and
sometimes technology just simply cannot
take the place of human interventions
for Access and if you haven't figured
out the image on the right hand side of
this slide is was taken when I was lucky
to visit Korea last in your National
Museum another Trend to consider we are
seeing more people centered
experiences what I mean by that is we're
seeing serences seeing more person-
centered individualized customized
experiences that meet people where they
are not where we want them to be
programs like Museum Gallery experiences
are being designed for those with
Dementia or Alzheimer's relaxed or
sensory per friendly performances
are being provided in theaters and and
all these examples provide different
entry points to to the cultural
experience and by giving information and
choices we Empower individuals to choose
which experience they will benefit from
the most which entry point to experience
works for them it's like choosing what
kind of seat works best for you
as you can see in the slide on the right
there are three different seating
options a folding stool that the
gentleman is sitting in a wheelchair
user using a wheelchair and a young
woman sitting on a permanently installed
bench in the gallery
space there are also
tremendous and much a tremendous and
much needed movement to increase access
and inclusion to employment we need to
work with with and hire people with
disabilities and push for representation
on our stages in our galleries but in
our offices behind the scenes and in
front of the house we need to push for
employees as decision makers and in
leadership and positions of authority
people with disabilities need to be
visible and their stories authentically
told and finally there is a growing
movement to work together to collaborate
to take Collective action which
leverages limited resources and benefits
whole communities we are learning to
authentically engage with our disability
communities we are learning to Value
accessibility that provides both
Independence and leverages inter
interdependence so what is
next the next emerging
practice I don't
know I do know that accessibility and
inclusion is
crucial to have in all
places where art and culture take place
a cultural arts sector that Embraces
access and
inclusion will not happen overnight it
is something that is never done never
finished we need to
Champion nurture and strive for Access
again and
again so let me close with a little
story this is one I told last year at
the World Congress in
Busan recognize these
folks Star Trek the
original you know Star Trek was being
broadcast on us television between 1966
1969 and it had all kinds of exciting
and futuristic Technologies stuff we
only dreamed about and never really
thought we would ever
have as you may recall most episodes of
the original Star Trek would start with
Kirk and SPX sitting on the bridge of
the Starship Enterprise and they would
inevitably get a call from Scotty in
engineering now I apologize because my
Scottish accent is terrible so Scotty
would call from engineering and he would
captain captain the war cor is about to
explode something was always about to
blow up on Star
Trek and so Kirk and Spock would leap up
and rush to the doors at the back of the
bridge and whoos whoosh the doors would
open automatically without being touched
and they would run through and whoosh
whoosh the doors would close again
behind them without being touched so now
1969 the Star Trek producers got a
letter from a man an inventor begging to
know how they accomplished this miracle
this man wrote a letter saying how did
you do it how did you create doors that
open without being touched I have worked
my entire lifetime on this complex
engineering challenge and I have not
figured it out yet when I turned on my
television there it was
doors whoosh
whoosh whoosh
whoosh well the start Star Trek
producers scratched their heads and they
wrote a letter back to the gentleman and
they said
well we have these two guys Fred and Joe
who pull the doors open whoosh whoosh
and push the doors closed whoosh whoosh
behind the scenes where you cannot see
them this is after all television and it
is pretend
so why do I tell this story well in
1969 when Star Trek was being broadcast
shind was landing on the moon automatic
self-actuating doors were considered
futuristic yet today in
hotels airports shopping malls grocery
stores there they are automatic
doors they are common everyday
technology that was
inconceivable 50 years ago the same is
true of
accessibility what was not possible
before becomes possible now what is
inconceivable today will be routine and
normalized tomorrow
so what is
next I hope that we all collectively the
global cultural Community Embrace
inclusive and accessible
practices it is these practices which
make our organizations relevant and help
Thrive and like in Star Trek
we can make possible today what was
impossible yesterday for people with
disabilities of all
abilities we can make a world in which
we commit to accessibility and inclusion
all because
that is what makes
us more human
thank you
[2024 이:음 예술창작 아카데미 공통과정]
II. 해외 경향 읽기
2강. 접근성의 경향과 혁신 '케네디 아트센터'
접근성의 시작은 어디서부터인가?’
1974년 설립 이래, 미국에서 장애인에 대한 사회적 태도를 변화시키는 데 중요한 역할을 해온 케네디 센터의 VSA(Very Special Arts)를 소개합니다.
시겔은 접근성을 사회적, 시민적 권리로 이해해야 한다고 강조하며, 차별 없는 문화예술 환경을 만들기 위한 국제적 흐름과 혁신적 실천 사례를 소개하고, 문화예술 관계자의 태도에 대해 이야기합니다. 또한, 장애와 차이를 포용하는 디자인의 중요성을 언급하며, 물리적 환경, 기술, 법과 정책이 장애인들에게 미치는 영향을 다양한 예시를 통해 설명합니다.
[기획 및 강연자]
베티 시겔
케네디센터 접근성 및 VSA 사무국장. 장애 및 접근성 예술, 교육 및 문화 분야의 혁신적인 전문가이자 리더인 베티 시겔은 매년 약 750명의 접근성 전문가가 모이는 케네디 센터 LEAD® 컨퍼런스의 창립자이며, 1800명 이상의 회원을 보유한 접근성/VSA 국제 네트워크 및 커뮤니티를 총괄하고 있다.