I am a white man with gray hair and a
gray beard and blue eyes I'm wearing an
orange jumper and I'm in my gray office
and I have been working in disabled
access in theaters for 16 years here so
with any piece of work we do we hope to
attract a new audience a new disabled
audience into our theater with each play
that we put on so there are three levels
of what we call three levels of risk for
a disabled Booker so under the social
model those three risks are reducers
responsibility under the medical model
those three risks are the individual's
responsibility so at what point in any
theater making process to the producers
and the directors and the designers all
talk about the barriers that are created
in their
place uh my name is bwood I am the head
of access at the National Theater in
London based on the South Bank of the
temps uh I started my career as a dancer
and then became interested in the
technical side of theater production uh
where I took particular interest in
disabled access that we'll talk about
today um and I've worked in several
theaters both in the United Kingdom so
including Shakespeare's Globe as well as
the National Theater the domar warehouse
and the Old Vic uh I've given access
advice to the United Kingdom's uh
television and
broadcast uh Watchdog who supervis
access across all of the media platforms
uh if it is useful to you um just to
explain what I look like I am a white
man with gray hair and a gray beard and
blue eyes I'm wearing an orange jumper
and I'm in my gray office it's very gray
office this morning in London so we'll
be talking a lot about disability and
one of the core principles of disability
studies in the UK is understanding that
we shouldn't really talk about
disability out of the ab in the absence
of disabled people but sometimes we need
to talk about access with whoever is
present in the room and there will be
time for questions at the end so in
terms of disabled access to unit Kingdom
theater it's a relatively mature strand
of work um I have been working in
disabled access in theaters for 16 years
here it's a very specific strand of work
because it covers every part of a
so it touches both upon the physical
structures of theaters the physical
production of a play and the audience
and front of house piece of work in in
care for disabled and deaf people but
before we talk about the work we have to
agree upon definitions so in disability
studies in the UK and a large part of
America and uh parts of Europe we
understand the term disability in the
form of models so models of disability
there are about 16 models that you can
use to understand the word disability
there are probably two to four which are
used most frequently therefore at the
National Theater we use something called
the social model of disability the
social model states that a person is
disabled because of the way Society is
structured these are
generalizations but it indicates an
important philosophical difference in
the way we think about disabled people
so under the social model UK theaters
generally understand that the people who
are disabled around them have been
disabled by the barriers created in the
theater making process which means that
we have quite a a live debate around how
to remove those barriers in our
practices um and there are lots of
straightforward ways to do this so
generally we do uh a series of
adjustments to a production they're
called reasonable adjustments legally so
those most common would include
captioning or
subtitling uh audio description for
blind people and sign language
interpretation for deaf people um across
UK theater about 84% of UK theaters
offer audio description
regularly uh about 81% of theaters
across the UK offer captioning regularly
87% of theaters across the United
Kingdom offer what's called a relaxed
performance relaxed performances are
specifically tailored for autistic
people and people with neurodiversity
access manager or access officer will
remove uh a lot of the sensory
environment the edges from the sensory
environment so there strobe lights or
sudden loud sounds they get softened um
to make a less uh startling atmosphere
inside the theater but that's an
adjustment we make whereas some theaters
will produce plays that don't have those
barriers in the first place so those are
some barriers that people will face
before they even know that you have a
play on or how to book tickets and if
people can't book tickets for your play
if you don't have deaf people coming to
your theater if you don't have blind
people coming to your theater you don't
have deaf or blind people giving you
feedback about about your theater the
information currently on the screen
shows the bits in UK theater that we can
improve upon so sometimes we need to
think about how we innovate to create
better access for our audiences and and
here are two types of access that we
offer at the National Theater they are
the same access on the right is what we
call open captioning where we present
the script in text form to the entire
audience on the left is what we call
closed captioning so that is an
individual member of the audience
wearing smart glasses which are also
displaying the caption units solely for
that individual the open
captioning is a form of preemptive
access and it's equal access we will
give those captions to everyone in the
auditorium without questioning if
they're deaf or not the closed
captioning is a form of Equitable access
so that's where we give an individual
what that individual needs to access the
plate considering the social model and
the medical model again open captioning
adjusts the environment closed
captioning adjusts the individual both
of the responsibility of the producer
and both have costs attached to them but
one of them means that a disabled person
does not need to tell us that they are
disabled and the other one means that a
disabled person needs to ask us for the
glasses and on the right is a girl
called e stery who in this photograph is
13 she's a young girl uh white girl with
blonde hair Ros and Ela are working on
the audio description of a play called
The Witches which was a play for
Children and Families audio description
is the craft of turning visual
information into verbal information so
that blind people can receive the same
amount of information as their cited
colleagues in the in the audience it's
the designer's priority to give a lot of
information to the audience in a visual
format but the more information you give
that way the more information you are
withholding from blind people the
decision of decisions involved in
theater design is also a form of access
where you can decide who is privileged
to what information is your set design
full of information that only visually
confident people can access or is there
a way of giving a a piece of design that
is equally accessible to Blind and cited
people and also if you are using audio
description who is your eyes so when you
have an audio describer they will filter
to their understanding of the world and
that's the vocabulary they will use to
describe the play in front of them why
for the witches for this play it was
important that we used a young person as
the describer because a young person is
more able to understand what to explain
to other young people in terms of
vocabulary and life experience but
potentially the most significant piece
of in this photograph is that Elena the
young girl is blind herself this is the
first time the national theater engaged
in what we call real toore audio
description which is a form of thinking
in the UK where we look at who is
involved in our creative making
decisions Does it include disabled
people Does it include blind people and
Does it include deaf people and the case
has an economic position too so many
producers will understand that
captioning audio description sign
language these are all additional costs
to any production and that's because
again under the medical model we as a
society view disabled people as
additional audience or additional
ancillary people to the main people
we're trying to talk to and engage with
but how would budgets be used or divided
if you had a blind person at the center
of your production or if you had a deaf
producer so with any piece of work we do
we hope to attract a new audience a new
disabled audience into our theater with
each play that we put on
and then part of the work of access is
to listen to their feedback because we
also need to reduce the amount of fear
that organizations have in making errors
around access in the current model of
access programming and producing there
is very little room for error because it
is likely that you will only have one
captioned or subtitled performance in a
run this means that if your def audience
only have one show to come to if that
show isn't perfect will they come back
for another show in the future so there
are three levels of what we call three
levels of risk for a disabled Booker to
play the first one is the same as any
Booker so if you book for a play there
is a risk you won't enjoy it there is a
risk that your money will go
into buying a theater ticket for a show
that you just don't enjoy the second
risk for disabled people is the risk
around access so they might enjoy the
play but if the access isn't good enough
they won't be able to understand the
play or engage with the play so when
they buy their tickets what Assurance do
they have that they will be able to
understand and engage with the play and
if you're aiming for artistic Excellence
for your non-disabled
audience can you justify not aiming for
Access Excellence for your disabled
audience and the third risk for a
disabled audience is to do with wider
social economics so generally the cost
of living for a disabled person at least
in the UK is more expensive than for a
non-disabled person so under the social
model those three risks are a producer's
responsibility under the medical model
those three risks are the individual's
responsibility so at what point in any
theater making process to the producers
and the directors and the designers all
talk about the barriers that are created
in their play you might be very
confident in one aspect of access so it
might be that surtitling subtitling or
captioning you're very confident in
delivering which is excellent for people
with hearing loss or deaf people but
then what happens when you meet indiv
idual who have multiple access
requirements so the English theatrical
Cannon you'll be familiar is sort of one
of the principal writers is Shakespeare
for example so Shakespeare was writing
in the late 16th century early 17th
century um Shakespeare is notoriously
difficult to read and and people had to
study it for some time to get their
heads around how to read that sort of
English that form of English Shakespeare
is however relatively easy to listen to
so most Modern English speakers will
understand all of Shakespeare if it's
spoken correctly and then taking it one
further if you are deaf but you're also
visually impaired and you can't see the
captioning and you can't see an
interpreter how do we make a play
accessible for you in the case of death
blindness we revert back to the
principles of access so there are
principles around accessible design and
how we give information to disabled
people and one of those foundational
principles is called the princi
principle of two senses the principle of
two senses states that information given
using two senses will generally be
accessible to almost everyone so the
principle to State senses asks us to
think about other senses we could use to
engage our death blind audience so an
idea might be to use the senses of touch
and smell and the principle of touch was
employed in three ways so firstly the
alphabet can be spelled out on a de
blind person's hand secondly a map of
the stage can be drawn on a death
blinded person's back and actors can be
positioned in Space by touching the
individual's back and thirdly the person
needs to be guided through the space so
if they're on your set within your
design they need to be guided and that's
another form of touch for a death blind
person so what we're offering there
isn't the same theatrical experience
we're not trying to make the death blind
person have the same play as a cited
hearing person but it's a parallel
theatrical experience so you're saying
that this play is unique to your
experience of the world as much as a
play I go and sit and watch is unique to
my senses so these are just examples of
how the social model informs how I work
and how the National Theater Works um
and it's not perfect we still have to
make very big financial decisions uh
which generalize our deaf audience our
visually impaired audience but the key
part is in that that Loop of information
and being adapted able to the new
individuals that you meet as you create
work but the other two things it really
needs is firstly the permission to fail
so where access is is new or where new
forms of access are being created uh you
need to be able to get it wrong and you
need to be able to listen to your
disabled audience and what they felt
about you getting it
wrong but principally it also takes
kindness because what act has ask us to
do is imagine us play
where we're not the audience and we're
not the creators where the audience are
disabled or or the creators are disabled
and we need to put our kindness into
their work because we believe in their
their powers as creatives and their
importance as members of our society
I really hope this part of the Talk's been
useful I hope that's laid the
foundations for some thinking for you
한예종의 중장기 디지털 전환 사업인 "커넥티드 캠퍼스"의 일환으로 2024년 9월 커넥티드 위크 : 열린학교 "렉쳐 프로그램"이 진행되었습니다.
렉쳐 프로그램은 "서로의 생각과 경험을 나눔으로써 각자의 답을 찾아가는 열린학교"라는 컨셉 아래 Commons(공유지)라는 주제를 바탕으로 외부의 담론을 공유하고 교류하는 소규모 그룹 렉쳐로 진행되었습니다.
세션5. 공연예술의 관객접근성 기획
David Bellwood (로열 내셔널 시어터 접근성 총괄책임자)
기획ㅣ김보형, 안지은
운영ㅣ손경환, 정순영
운영보조ㅣ김지안, 이수민
관련 콘텐츠
[미디어-영상] 공연예술의 관객접근성 기획ㅣ홍지원
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